The 2021 All-Virtual Program!
This year’s virtual event includes keynotes, interviews, debates and data-rich presentations, along with facilitated networking conversations throughout the day. Sessions focus on cultivating high-performing organizations and people, advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion, and deepening our analytics-at-work capabilities.
*We’re living in uncertain times! Conference program details are subject to change.
*Please note: facilitated networking sessions are only included with the Curated Connections ticket.
We know the session start times look a bit off, but trust us!
Conference Opening
*Facilitated Networking
What Does a People Analytics Dream Team Look Like? How Can You Build It?
Opening Remarks with Dean Erika James and Cade Massey
Erika H. James, Dean, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Cade Massey, Practice Professor of Operations, Information, and Decisions at The Wharton School, WPA Faculty Co-Director
Cultivating High Performance: Sponsored by Microsoft
The Case for Transparency: How Open Feedback Promotes Personal Growth and Team Effectiveness
Ray Dalio, Founder, Chairman and Co-Chief Investment Officer of Bridgewater Associates
Angela Duckworth, Wharton Psychologist, Author of Grit, CEO of Character Lab, WPA Faculty Co-Director
Adam Grant, Wharton Psychologist, Author of Think Again, Host of the TED Podcast WorkLife, WPA Faculty Co-Director
Don’t Stop Swimming: The Psychology of Motivation Maintenance
Katie Ledecky, Five-Time Olympic Gold Medalist
Adam Grant, Wharton Psychologist, Author of Think Again, Host of the TED Podcast WorkLife, WPA Faculty Co-Director
*Facilitated Networking
Theme: Cultivating High-Performing Organizations and People
Topic 1: Connecting the Dots: Ray Dalio’s Take on Transparency and Decision Making
Topic 2: What Can We Learn From Katie Ledecky’s Champion Mindset?
Inclusion and Connectedness: Leveraging People and Workplace Analytics to Understand Experiences
Kanwal Safdar, Senior Director of People Analytics, Microsoft
Becky Thielen, Senior Director of People Analytics, Microsoft
Back to Basics: Five (simple) Techniques to Make the Most of Your People Data
Andrea Jones-Rooy, Director of Undergraduate Studies, NYU Center for Data Science
White Paper Competition: Showcasing People Analytics Insights on Building Equitable Workplaces
Presentation by 1st Place: There Are No Colorblind Models in a Colorful World: How to Successfully Apply a People Analytics Tool to Build Equitable Workplaces by Margrét Bjarnadóttir, David Anderson, and David Ross
Lisa Donchack, Associate Partner at McKinsey & Company
Cade Massey, Practice Professor of Operations, Information, and Decisions at The Wharton School, WPA Faculty Co-Director
Case Competition: Optimizing Teaching Assignments for Performance & Outcomes at Teach For America
Presentation by 1st Place: Team NIT-K: Nishchith Sriram, Luv Nambia, Sakshat Rao (Undergraduate Students at National Institute of Technology Karnataka)
Cade Massey, Practice Professor of Operations, Information, and Decisions at The Wharton School, WPA Faculty Co-Director
Mike Metzger, Vice President at Teach For America
Becoming a Data Translator
Daniel Morales, Director of People Analytics, McKinsey & Company
Sarah Tobey, Director of People Analytics, McKinsey & Company
June Zhang, Manager of People Analytics, McKinsey & Company
*Facilitated Networking
Theme: Analytics at Work
Topic 1: Will A.I. Replace Your Job – Or Transform It?
Topic 2: Where’s the Line Between Cool and Creepy in People Analytics?
Compassion & Inclusion at Work
Building an Inclusion Instinct: How the NBA Creates Diverse Leadership
Oris Stuart, Chief People and Inclusion Officer of the National Basketball Association
Cade Massey, Practice Professor of Operations, Information, and Decisions at The Wharton School, WPA Faculty Co-Director
The Psychology of Technology and the Future of Work
Roshni Raveendhran, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, University of Virginia
Care at Work: Collecting Data for Workers at the Margins
Ai-jen Poo, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance
Times Up Now: From Ideal Worker to Ideal Workplace
Tina Tchen, President and Chief Executive Officer of TIME’S UP
Nancy Rothbard, David Pottruck Professor and Chairperson, Management Department, The Wharton School
*Facilitated Networking
Theme: DEI for the New Normal
Topic 1: React & Reflect — Inclusion Take-Aways From Oris Stuart
Topic 2: Talking About Tina Tchen — Maximizing Impact
Can Algorithms Be Fair?
Elizabeth Adams, Chief AI Ethics Advisor for Paravision, Key Constituent of UN Roundtable on AI, 2020/21 Stanford Race & Technology Fellow, Founding member of POSTME
Andy McAfee, Co-Founder and Co-Director of MIT’s Initiative on the Digital Economy
Moderated by Kara Swisher, Producer and Host, Recode Decode and Pivot podcasts, and New York Times Contributor
Ask Adam and Closing Remarks
Adam Grant, Wharton Psychologist, Author of Think Again, Host of the TED Podcast WorkLife, WPA Faculty Co-Director