Embracing Flexibility in Remote and Hybrid Work
Jasmine Wu
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
In the post-pandemic workplace, organizations are tasked with a unique challenge – maintaining the flexibility that employees want regarding where and when they work, while ensuring that organizational structures foster connectivity, and nurture a vibrant organizational culture. According to a recent survey by McKinsey in 2022, 58% of Americans reported having the opportunity to work from home at least one day a week. The shift in traditional work paradigms has led to the emergence of a new set of dynamics that pose challenges to employee productivity, well-being, and relationship-building.
We aim to (1) understand the complex dynamics in serving individual needs for flexibility while furthering team and organizational goals in the remote and hybrid workplace and then (2) provide research-based guidelines for management practices that address challenges in the context of remote and hybrid work.
This team will work under the leadership of Professor Matthew Bidwell, and Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Jasmine Wu, with the support from the Wharton People Analytics team.