10th Annual Case Competition

This year, we are thrilled to partner with Teach for America for our 10th
annual case competition. Student teams from across the globe are
invited to analyze real data and create analytics-driven solutions to a
real-world challenge and compete for $25,000 in cash prizes!
Thank you for your submissions!
Winners will be announced soon.
We would like to thank Prasad Setty for funding the Case Competition prizes. We appreciate his commitment to enhancing student opportunities and advancing people analytics as a force for good.
Questions? Email wpacasecomp@wharton.upenn.edu
Judging Criteria
- Methodologically coherent and robust
- Actionable insights
- Creativity
- Presentation
Finalists & Winners
Finalists will be invited to showcase and present their submissions on March 15, 2023 in a virtual format, where their findings will be assessed by a panel of expert judges including representatives from our competition partner, Teach From America.
The winning team will be invited to present at the in-person conference in Philadelphia on March 29.
Winning submissions will be awarded $10,000 for 1st place, $8500 for 2nd place, and $6500 for 3rd place.
Important Dates
01/11/23: Registration open
01/25/23: Data released to registrants
02/13/23: Q&A session with partner
02/15/23: Final registration deadline
02/19/23: Submission deadline
03/8/23: Finalists notified of invitation to present
03/15/23: Virtual finalist presentations & winner announcement
Submissions have closed. Winners will be selected March 14.
The White Paper Competition is an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to share insights in advancing best practices within the greater people analytics community.
Judging Criteria
- Actionable
- Novel and thought-provoking
- Grounded in research
More Information
We are seeking white papers that can inform professional practice in people analytics. Researchers and practitioners alike are welcome to compete!
Submissions are open to both for profit and non-profit organizations, and seek to uncover novel, actionable, and data-driven insights that are applicable to a wide range of organizations.
Past submissions have involved a wide array of topics, such as skill identification, employee perks, and behavior change in the workplace. Submissions will be judged by a mix of industry professionals and academic scholars.
Want examples from past White Paper Competitions?
Watch the 2021 White Paper Finals here.
See the 2019 Finalist and Winning White Paper titles/topics here.
Important Dates
1/23/23: White Paper Submission Form Open
2/14/23: White Paper Submission Deadline
3/7/23: Finalists Notified with invitation to present
3/14/23: Finalists Present to judges with a virtual presentation, winner announced
3/29/23: Winner presents at conference

The Wharton People Analytics 9th Annual Case Competition allows undergraduate and graduate students to analyze real data from a non-profit organization to solve a pressing people-related challenge. Students visualized and analyzed data to help the University of Pennsylvania’s Division of Human Resources explore the impact of the Great Resignation/Migration on their own community. Watch Winning Presentation
Case Competition: Students analyzed data from Teach for America. Watch Winning Presentation
White Paper: Sponsored by Google, included submissions on a wide array of topics, such as diversity and inclusion, employee productivity, and inequity in gender wage gaps. Watch Winning Presentation
Our conference was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but students completed the Case Competition. Watch Winning Presentation
Case Competition: Students analyzed data from Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP).
Research Competition: Researchers submitted papers on diversity, performance measurement, virtual teams, the gig economy, among others.
White Paper: Sponsored by Google’s People Innovation Lab; promoted actionable and thought-provoking insights that are grounded in research.
Startup Competition: Showcased cutting-edge startups working in the field of people analytics, from predictive hiring to employee retention.
Case Competition: Students analyzed data from Global Health Corps (GHC). Watch Winning Presentation
Research Competition: Researchers submitted papers on a diverse set of research topics including advanced analytics around compensation, attitude measurement, diversity, and hiring.
Startup Competition: The second annual startup competition showcased cutting-edge startups working in the field of people analytics, from predictive hiring to employee retention. Watch Winning Presentation
Case Competition: Students analyzed real data from Teach for America to understand how to best optimize their recruitment resources and implement the right strategies at schools to generate the most admits.
Research Competition: 20 researchers submitted original, unpublished papers on diverse topics, such as the dynamics of organizational culture, spatial management, and social contagion in organizations.
Startup Competition: Provides a platform for emerging and promising entrepreneurial ventures in people analytics.
Case Competition: The competition was run in partnership with Doctors Without Borders (“MSF”).
Research Competition: More than 20 researchers submitted original, unpublished papers for the Research Paper Competition.
Case Competition: Students were challenged to utilize data from Year Up to generate meaningful insights that the organization could use to create positive improvement in their current program.
Case Competition: Students analyzed data from Teach for America (TFA) to improve the TFA’s candidate selection effectiveness.