Charles Duhigg & Chike Aguh: Hiring for Talent vs. Skills | 2022 Wharton Future of Work Conference

“Talent vs. Skills: Shifting Who and How We Hire to Create the Workforce We Need”

Chike Aguh has never met a CEO who feels like they are meeting all their talent needs – yet so many organizations still fall back on the network- and credentials-based hiring heuristics that create a stubbornly homogenous workforce. In this conversation with Charles Duhigg, Chike helps us understand the just-in-time and timeless skills that the labor market needs, and the importance and promise of skills-based hiring to build a fundamentally more diverse and better prepared workforce.

Chike Ahuh, 2020 Harvard Carr Center Technology and Human Rights Fellow; Current Chief Innovation Officer at US Department of Labor
Charles Duhigg, Writer at the New Yorker Magazine and Author of The Power of Habit