Does losing temporary workers matter? The effects of planned turnover on replacements and unit performance.

By: Federica De Stefano, rocio bonet and Arnaldo Camuffo Academy of Management Journal VOL. 0, NO. ja | This study examines the performance consequences of planned turnover. In particular, we investigate the departure of temporary workers due to the expiration of their contracts. We reconcile the contradictory predictions of collective turnover research—that any typeRead More

Small Cues Change Savings Choices

The image shows stacks of coins increasing in height, superimposed on a clock face. It represents the concept of time and money, suggesting investment or financial growth over time.

By: James J. Choi, Emily Haisley, Jennifer Kurkoski, & Cade Massey  PROJECT SUMMARY Researchers tested the effects of including cues, anchors, and savings goals in a company email encouraging employee contributions to their 401(k). IMPACT Researchers found that providing high contribution rate or savings goal examples, or highlighting high savingsRead More